Louisa emits a strong New Flow XL
In folk medicine it is widely used for stomach aches, but also as an antipyretic drink. Louisa emits a strong lemon aroma and has a somewhat sour but delicious taste. Taraxacum to reduce appetite taraxako-orexi-Naturanrg-03 Taraxacum is one of the most widespread herbs in Greece, with multifaceted action, which is New Flow XL why it has been given many descriptions, such as taraxacum "the healing", "the healing", "the amazing", "the magical". Taraxacum helps with the metabolism of sugars and fats - which is why it could help an overweight person with high cholesterol. In addition, it regulates appetite, contributes to the proper functioning of the liver and has a calming effect. Dosage: Prepare an infusion with 1-2 teaspoons in 1 cup of water. * More about the herb Taraxacum, also known as dandelion or wild radish, is another herb with important and particularly beneficial properties for the human body. Starting from its supply to the ...